Wednesday, February 9, 2011

LCD TV Stands compared to what we had through the years
Wow! When I see the current selection of LCD TV Stands and think back to what my family and I had through the years, it makes for a huge contrast.

For one thing, flat screen TV's were an unknown factor when I was growing up. We always had those huge televions that required lots of room on a TV stand that was usually wooden in order to hold up such a big monstrosity.

I know I've mentioned in one of my blogs one time about the large TV cabinets with a built-in black and white TV that was owned by my paternal grandmother and my in-laws.

When I got one of my first apartments, my father actually built a large bookshelf with was capable of holding up my large TV plus a VCR and videotapes galore. I was sorry to see it go simply because he put so much love into making it. But when I moved to a small log cabin, there just was not room for it or that large TV anymore.

Now, my husband and I have one of those large flat screen TV's in our living room residing on one of those pretty LCD TV Stands. We love the look a lot! It is so much fun to sit there and watch some of our favorite shows.

Every now and then, as I watch a show on this TV, I think back to the black and white TV that my folks and I watched for years. We had to sit it on a wooden cabinet. We only had five channels total. We also had to get up from our chairs in order to change the channel as remote control TV's were not yet invented.

There are some things about the past that make me feel nostalgic. Those old kind of TV's and those old clunky stands are definitely not one of them.

What about you? What are some of your television memories? Feel free to share in the comment section below.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Home Office Renovations Day 3

My home office in our log cabin is being completely re-done. On day 3 of the renovations, the two handymen tore out the rest of the floorboards. It had rained in the night; therefore, there was a lot of damness in the room. Before they headed off to their other job, they indicated they would purchase some heavy plastic to line the room with before laying down the new floor. They also found a pipe that leads to the outside that needs to be closed off. Additionally, they found some problems with some of the logs. This may prove to be a much bigger job than any of us originally anticipated. I think we are going to look like that Hoarders Show for a couple of weeks. The end result will be both beautiful and functional. It will be so worth it!


Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Home Office Renovations Day 2

My home office in our log cabin is being completely re-done. On day 2 of the renovations, the two handymen started to tear out the floor boards. They quickly discovered why the room bowed toward the center. Several of the logs holding up the floor were broken. They also realized that this job was going to take them longer than they originally expected. Sigh! In any case, I am so grateful and excited that I am going to get my dream home office.