Wednesday, December 30, 2009

American Career Group has an encouraging motto I like

I just discovered a website that has the coolest motto. The website is about a company known as American Career Group. Their motto is: “We won’t stop working until you start!” Now I have to admit, I had to read a little further before I got what their motto meant. Once I saw that they are like a staffing agency, then the motto made perfect sense and seemed more apt than ever.

In today’s economy, having a company such as American Career Group makes perfect sense. So many people are out of work. My younger brother was actually out of work for over 7 months before finally getting a job that fits his needs perfectly. I too got work from a number of employment agencies back when I did full-time TEMP work as an administrative assistant. I did that for nearly three years before moving to a town so small that if you blink, you won’t even know you had passed it by. Now I just do full-time writing, storytelling, and blogging about cool things I discover on the web that strikes the fancy of my imagination. Plus, you never know when our budget may change and I will need a company such as American Career Group to help me find a job as well.

So the part of me who loves to research wants to discover more about this group with their great motto. They are located in New York City. They place people in temporary jobs, temp-to-hire, and permanent placement. I had one job that was a temp-for-hire. I actually got hired on full-time after five months. Then their budget took a downturn and they had to lay off several employees including me. The other jobs I took were truly just temporary staffing jobs. My very last temp job actually lasted 11 ½ months.

I see that American Career Group does not charge job seekers a fee. That’s a good thing. That was also true of all the staffing agencies that found me work. What I’m trying to figure out is if they only find work for New York residents or from all over. Okay, I see that their Corporate Headquarters is located in Houston, Texas. Okay, I found the answer. They actually find jobs for people nationwide. So that is helpful to know in case my own circumstances change someday. If they do, then they just might be one of the staffing agencies I contact. Since I blogged about it, I’ll have a permanent record of how to get in contact with them. that way, I will not lose the information.

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