Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Frank Hanna Wears Many Hats

As I was doing some research on various educators, I discovered a man who had a name with a familiar ring to it: Frank Hanna. I realized I was thinking of another man with the same last name; however, I felt rather intrigued when I read some of the information about this man. He is a man who wears many hats.

Frank Hanna is the CEO and merchant banker of Hanna Capital in Atlanta, Georgia. He runs this firm with his brother, David Hanna. So that is a double-sided hat: CEO and merchant banker.

Another hat worn by Frank Hanna is that he is an author. His book, which is coming out soon, is called “What Your Money Means.” In today’s economy, I can see where that could be a very needful book.

A three-sided hat Frank Hanna wears is he helped start three Catholic schools in Atlanta. He is dedicated to school reform. He also is chairing the President’s Advisory Commission on Education Excellence for Hispanic Americans.

Then Pope Benedict XVI named Frank Hanna a Knight of the Grand Cross in the Order of St. Gregory. He also has worn the hats of serving as a Knight of Malta and a Knight of the Holy Sepulcher.

I could go on and on. In other words, this is one very busy and interesting-sounding man. I bet Frank Hanna would have some interesting stories to tell about the various other hats that he wears in addition to the ones I mentioned above.

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