Sunday, January 31, 2010

Happiness is Pets for so many people

Happiness is pets for so many people. The other day, my husband woke up to tell me that he dreamed of Spanky again. My husband had a beloved dachshund that he raised from a tiny pup. As you probably have guessed, he named this dog after the Spanky character on the Little Rascals show. His dog Spanky was truly one of the things that made him happiest during his first marriage. No matter how rough the day was, he would come home. As soon as my husband would sit down to relax, Spanky would jump up into his lap. My husband would pet him for hours. Spanky loved every minute of it. He had this dog for sixteen years. Sadly, there came a day when his beloved “son” had to be put down as he was in so much pain that could no longer be fixed. He lost his dog. The light of his life went out that day. Sadly, just like in a country song, his wife left around that time as well. Her loss, my gain. Of course, years had to pass before he and I finally met.

Happiness is pets for another dear friend of mine. She had two cats who were just like her daughter and son. These cats were in her life before her children were ever born. When her children came along, it was like she now had two daughters and two sons. The female cat came first, then the male cat. Then her daughter was born. Then her son was born. She treasured those two cats so much. Her two children treasured them as well. It was a very sad day when they lost the male cat first to an incurable illness. Even more tragic was when she lost the female cat to a different incurable illness.

Happiness is pets for that family once again. They could never bare to get another cat. So instead, they got a beautiful little Shetland dog. They love this dog so much. Once again, it is like they have another member of the family.

Happiness is pets for me when I was growing up. We had a beautiful Labrador Retriever named Inka. Later, we had a stray cat who made her home with us. We named her Tabitha after Bewitched’s daughter. Years later, my parents came home from vacation to find that my younger brother had adopted a cute little mutt we named Shady. Since Inka was no longer with us due to illness, it was nice to have another dog for company. Naturally, no dog could ever take the place of Inka; however, Shady found a place in our hearts of her very own.

Happiness is pets. Just check out the cutest picture of the puppy you see above. I found that picture on the Happiness is Pets website. This company provides puppies for families that are healthy and happy. They have done this since 1987. That company is located in Chicago. I have a cousin who lives in Chicago. They have two little boys. If I hear that they are in the market to get a puppy some day, I will have to mention that company to them. Even if you are not from Chicago, you may want to visit their website to see some adorable pictures of puppies.

Happiness is pets. Please share your story about a precious pet that brought you a lot of happiness.

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