Thursday, November 12, 2009

Flowers Not Only Make A Great Gift, They Can Save The Day

My mother is now in her early 80’s. When it comes to her birthday or Mother’s Day, I like to either give her flowers or take her out to a nice meal. She enjoys being treated to a meal, for sure, as she has grown quite tired of the same-old, same-old routine of having to cook a meal for early on, a family of five, and now her husband. I don’t blame her. If you’ve been the main one responsible for putting a meal on a table for years and years and years, that could grow quite tiring.

The advantage of treating her to a meal is that she feels pampered and treated for that one day. Naturally, I include my father in on the treat as well. I couldn’t imagine treating her but making him pay for his own meal. So a gift of a restaurant meal benefits them both. That’s a good thing.

There is a greater advantage to giving the gift of flowers. In that case, my mother will have the flowers to enjoy for a few weeks. She can show them off to her friends. She often has her picture taken next to the bouquet. She especially loves gift baskets. She loves not only the beauty of the basket. She loves and adores the beauty and scent of the flowers.

There is one birthday in particular that I recall with a bit of shame. I was teaching at the time. It was a very busy time at school. It was also a busy time in my personal life. One day, I picked up the phone to hear my Dad’s voice tell me that I had forgotten my Mom’s birthday. I was devastated to have goofed-up like that. I lived a couple of hours away. Her birthday fell in the middle of the week. I felt so bad. She was such a fine lady and woman and mother. I still cringe to this day recalling this event.

Naturally, I needed a quick solution. I quickly got on the internet. I needed a flower company that could not only send flowers, I needed a flower company that provided same-day service. You can imagine my relief when I discovered They actually had a pretty big selection of flower bouquets and gift baskets that they could send the very same day. The flowers pictured above have a similar look that I recall ordering for her. I ordered the flowers. They did indeed arrive the same day.

So, just to make certain my mother realized how much I loved and treasured her, I also called her to let her know that I was taking my Dad and her out for a meal that coming weekend. So that year, my mother got to feel special and pampered in two ways, beautiful flowers from 1-800 and a delicious meal at one of her favorite restaurants.

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