Monday, November 9, 2009

Harley Swiftdeer

Harley Swiftdeer founded a company back in 1986 called the Deer Tribe Metis Medicine Society. What is the purpose of this society? This society acts as a resource for people wanting and willing to learn about the ancient practice of the Wheels and Keys of the Sweet Medicine SunDance Path of Turtle Island. An acronym for this path of learning is SMSD for Sweet Medicine SunDance. This knowledge known as SMSD has evolved over thousands of years. Harley Swiftdeer and the Deer Tribe have been appointed as the “modern day representatives” of this process.

Reading the website known as the Deer Tribe Metis Medicine Society is fascinating. I found out that it did not just begin in 1986. Back in 1975, there was a group of people made up of shamans, medicine men and women, sorcerers and magicians from tribes from North America, Central America, and South America. This group is known as the Twisted Hairs Metis Medicine Society Council of Elders. Visit this Deer Tribe website if you wish to find out more. These elders decided that in order to help Grandmother Earth, the SMSD path needed to be renewed and shared. The elders appointed Harley Swiftdeer as one of the ones who would perpetuate, share, and teach this path. In July of 1992, he had the honor of being appointed as one of the elders of this group.

Harley Swiftdeer is of Cherokee and Irish descent. To see a picture of him taken several years ago, click HERE.

There are many fascinating facts about Harley Swiftdeer. He was a decorated Marine Corps veteran. He was discharged because he opposed the Vietnam War. He is a national jujitsu champion. He has five sons. He has a Ph.D in Humanistic Psychology and Comparitive Religions. He is a medicine man. One fact that especially interests me is that the “Billy Jack” movies that I watched with such fascination when I was in junior high and high school, were inspired by some of his life experiences.

To learn more about this inspiring man, check out the various links. To see the source for the picture shown on this blog, click on his name: Harley Swiftdeer.

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