Monday, November 9, 2009

Muhammad Babangida

Muhammad Babangida is the son of former Nigerian President, Ibrahim Babangida. IBB, short for General Ibrahim Badamasi Babangida, was Nigeria’s first military president from 1985-1993. He was also a Five Star General. He won many awards as well as worked hard to eradicate poverty in Nigeria.

IBB must have been quite an inspiration to his four children, especially his son, Muhammad Babangida. He takes after his father in that he also wears many hats and is much recognized in his country.

Muhammad Babangida is the founder and principal partner for Capital Chambers. This is a law firm that deals with oil, gas, and energy law intelligence. Some of his side interests include playing polo and music. He shares his love of music with another woman with the same last name, Zarah Babangida.

Zarah primarily is a fan of opera; whereas, Muhammad Babangida likes to blog about the blues, jazz, gospel, R&B, and Rhythm and Blues.

Photo from Muhammad Babangida’s Facebook page

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