Monday, November 9, 2009

Renew International

What is Renew International?

It is a Roman Catholic ministry organization.

One of the goals of Renew International is faith sharing.

They offer all kinds of resources for Christians wanting to learn more and enhance their spiritual growth. They have an on-line bookstore with several low-cost items under their Prayer Time Series and their Impact Series. They also have several free downloads. Click Faith Sharing to get the link to that resource page.

Another goal of Renew International is to offer opportunities in spiritual renewal in the Catholic tradition.

They wish to empower both individuals and spiritual communities to renew their connection to God and their faith. They have a “28-year record in helping to revitalize parish life in over 150 dioceses in the United States.” They also have an outreach program that has “served people in 23 countries, across six continents and in 44 languages.” That is indeed impressive.

Renew International also has a program called “Renew Theology on Tap.”

This program targets people in their twenties and thirties. They have been doing this since 1981. Young adults can meet in restaurants, parish halls, bars, or coffee houses. They schedule a speaker. Then they allow time for discussion, faith sharing, and community building. To learn more about this program, please click Young Adults.

It sounds like Renew International certainly has a lot to offer.

Photo credits - picture from Renew International website

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