Monday, November 9, 2009

Steve Stevanovich

The Stevanovich Center for Financial Mathematics is part of the University of Chicago campus located at 5734 S. University Avenue, Chicago, Illinois 60637. One of the great supporters of this center is a man by the name of Steve Stevanovich. You probably noticed, of course, that the Stevanovich Center for Financial Mathematics and Steven Stevanovich both have a name in common.

Steve Stevanovich is one of the best supporters of the Stevanovich Center for Financial Mathematics. Thanks to the great efforts of Steve Stevanovich and others like him, this center will be hosting an upcoming conference in Chicago on October 30, 2009. This is called the Conference on Liquidity, Credit Risk and Extreme Events. Other conferences they have hosted in the past include Stevanovich Center-Creates Conference, Conference on Liquidity, First Chicago-Paris Conference on Finance, One day workshop on Finance and Statistics, Conference on Credit Risk, and Conference on Volatility and High Frequency Data.

Thanks to men like Steve Stevanovich, the Stevanovich Center for Financial Mathematics “brings together leading academic researchers and financial professionals whose insights from daily experience in the markets can help translate theory into improved practice. By the way, they are refurbishing their center. See the picture above from the Stevanovich Center website to see a picture of their future home.

For more information about the Stevanovich Center for Financial Mathematics, you can call (773) 834-4385 or e-mail

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